NanoSolar Projekt


  • Contact:

    Dr. Holger Röhm, Dr. Alexander Colsmann

  • Funding:

    Baden-Württemberg Stiftung:

    450.000 €

  • Partner:

    Prof. Dr. Claus Feldmann

    (Institut für Anorganische Chemie)

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


In the scope of project NanoSolar new material concepts for the production of perovskite solar cells are being investigated. This type of solar cell that has been emerging only within in the past few years promises great technological potential, although solutions for the most pressing challenges are yet to be found. This includes the controlled deposition of homogeneous layers by cost-effective techniques and the development of environmentally-friendly and resource-saving materials to enable sustainable energy supply in the future. Project NanoSolar follows a novel approach by using nano-crystals for layer deposition. This promises to tackle the challenges outlined above and additionally permits for new device layouts of perovskite solar cells.