LTIK | Test center for technical lighting equipment on vehicles

The Test Center for Automotive Lighting Equipment (LTIK) is affiliated with the LTI and is today a modern service provider in the field of automotive lighting technology. In 1949, it was established at the suggestion of the Federal Minister of Transport in the Light Technology Institute of the then University of Karlsruhe (TH), now KIT. Here, the scientific basis for optimized traffic lighting is developed. Modern measuring stations and procedures support development departments of the industry in optimizing their products at an early stage.
Services of the test center | LTIK
- Performance of measurements according to ECE regulations for luminaires, headlamps, retro-reflectors and light sources for motor vehicles
- Performance of measurements according to national regulations for lights, headlights, reflectors for bicycles
- Measurements within the scope of Taiwanese certification of vehicle parts
- Performance of measurements within the scope of COP measures
- Performance of all kinds of photometric measurements with the measuring equipment available to the test center (upon request)