Perovskite Research Topics
The emergence of hybrid organic–inorganic metal halide perovskite semiconductors over the past decade opened a window of opportunity for next generation perovskite thin-film photovoltaics. It affords a novel opportunity to advance the power conversion efficiency of the market-dominating photovoltaic technologies based on crystalline Si or CIGS thin film photovoltaics in so-called tandem solar cells. Advancing the technological readiness of tandem photovoltaics demands research and innovation in our core areas of expertise: novel perovskite semiconductors, scalable processes to manufacture perovskite thin-films, perovskite-based tandem solar cells, nanophotonic light management structures, and energy yield modelling. Test

Novel Materials for Perovskite Photovoltaics

Perovskite-based Tandem Photovoltaics

Scalable Processes to Manufacture Perovskite Solar Modules

Advanced Optics and Light Management

Colored Perovskite PV Modules

Energy Yield Modelling