Wavelength Tunable Continuous Wave Metal Halide Perovskite Lasers (PEROLAS)

  • Contact:

    Ulrich W. Paetzold

  • Funding:

    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) 

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


PEROLAS aims to realize solution-processable, continuous-wave (CW) optically-pumped lasers across the visible to the near infrared spectrum by developing lead-halide-based perovskite (LHP) optical gain materials and appropriately engineering device structures. Particular attention is given to tunability and to lasers in the green spectral range not adequately covered by current III-V semiconductor technology. We foresee future applications as integrated laser sources in sensing and metrology applications and in advanced display technologies, e.g. for virtual-reality (VR), and augmented-reality (AR) displays.

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